As a yoga practitioner I have learned many helpful things that I can apply to my life as a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I believe anyone can apply the following suggestions and find benefits. Living a balanced life with mind and spirit at peace is what Yoga is all about. And it is how the Savior lived. He put his trust in his Father and we must do that too.
1. SLOW DOWN Do less, and do it with more attention to detail. Become mindful of WHAT you are doing, WHY you are doing it, and HOW best to do it, in accordance with your abilities. Determine what your mission is at this time in your life. Unclutter your life (and your house), and determine to live with Jesus Christ at the center of all you do.
2. PRAY FIRST Begin each day on your knees and ask for help in all you plan to do that day. Be specific. Then pause, listen for inspiration, make plans accordingly. Don't plan too much.
3. MOVE SLOWLY & GRACEFULLY Walk upright, and breathe as you move. Keep your body relaxed. (Ever notice how the Savior moves in all those Church films?) Imagine energy flowing upward through your body, lifting you. A small smile relaxes the face and avoids stress lines. At stop lights, relax and take long, deep breaths. When the phone rings, take a deep breath before answering it. Try to respond smoothly and efficiently, rather than in a rush.
4. BREATHE Every couple of hours, walk outside, take some deep breaths, notice the sky, trees, flowers, people passing by, the touch of sun, rain, air on your skin. Crush a leaf between your fingers or pick a flower and smell it. Offer a brief prayer of thanksgiving. Take a walk, even slowly, just around your garden, noticing everything. A physician has said that most stress-related diseases could be prevented if people would just learn to breathe more deeply!
5. PRAY OFTEN Offer a prayer for a stranger passing by, a homeless person on the corner, the refugees in camps around the world, government leaders, specific people you know. Spend a little more time thinking of others. NOTE: An ambulance siren is always a cue to pray!
6. EXPRESS LOVE It strengthens your immune system to do loving acts of kindness. Write a complimentary note to someone. Take someone a flower for no reason, even your husband or one of your kids. Touch a person's arm when you speak to them. (Non-invasive, but sensitive.) Compliment the little old lady buying carrots at the produce stand, or the checker ringing up your groceries, or the janitor sweeping the floor. Make someone's day with a kind word.
7. ASK THE SAVIOR TO CHANGE YOUR NATURE not solve your problems. When we become more Christ-like ourselves, the problems are more apt to resolve themselves. We are not here to avoid the trials of life, but to allow the Savior to transform us so that the only discomfort is separation from the Lord.
8. TAKE TIME EACH DAY FOR SOME YOGA Maybe you only have time for three postures. Do those three postures with attention to details, the breath, and finding your edge for a hold of only a few seconds. Even a little yoga centers you, gets the sleepy kinks out, energizes you, and helps get you ready you for your day.
It takes practice to create a balanced life. Sometimes you really have to endure a very busy day, but gradually try to incorporate more of these suggestions into your days. Different times of our lives place different demands on us, but it is always possible to make a little change, and those little changes can make a huge difference.