Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Wheel Pose - Chakrasana

The Sanskrit name for this powerful posture denotes that doing it stimulates all the major chakras, or energy centers in the body. These 7 chakras are found at the base of the spine, the lower belly, the solar plexus, the heart, the throat, the 3rd eye (point between the eyebrows) and the crown of the head. So they are open on the front side of the body, and squeezed on the back of the body, with blood flowing to the throat, 3rd eye, and crown. ZOOM! A very energizing and balancing posture!
Wheel should always be preceeded by plenty of spinal flexing warm-ups. You may also need to spend a few weeks doing postures that strengthen the arms, wrists, and shoulders. Use a sticky mat to keep feet and hands from sliding. Beginners and persons who are stiff in the back and weak in the arms should come into the pose from a supine position, bending the knees and bringing the feet as close as possible to the buttocks, and reaching over the shoulders to press the palms into the floor directly under the shoulders. Taking a few full breaths in and out to energize the hara is helpful. Then engage the squeeze as you lift the body. Relax the neck and allow the head to drop back.You will probably only be able to hold briefly at first, but as your strength increases, you can hold longer. Release slowly onto your back, draw your legs up in Upward Facing Child and rock gently from side to side to counterpose. Relax a minute and notice the wash of energy throughout your body before continuing your practice.

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