Tuesday, October 7, 2014


Notice in the photo below that I am demonstrating Seated Forward Extension, or Posterior Stretch with the use of several props: cushions under the tailbone, and a rolled blanket under the knees. If you have "belly issues" or what we call a "round body" notice that you can use your hands to press the belly toward the spine as you come into the forward position. Once you are extended forward, the belly stays pressed toward the spine as you extend forward, giving you more range of motion, and allowing you to breathe more easily. Follow previous instructions for Seated Forward Extension.

When the wrists are weak, or the body is heavy, putting a strain on the wrists, use blocks, firm cushions, or even thick books under the hands. This sends more weight onto the legs and feet, relieving the wrists.

Traditional Child Pose which is often used as a counter-pose for back-arching postures, can be difficult for a round body. An effective alternative is to do Upward Facing Child Pose as demonstrated below. The rounding of the back in this posture provides a successful counterpose, and in addition, you can rock gently back and forth to massage tension out of the back!

Here are two more postures, Half-Circle Pose and Inclined Plane in which we can use a block to relieve stress on the wrists.


Whenever you feel strain or discomfort in a pose, experiment with props to help you come into
"a still easy place" which is what the word asana means. If the body is tense, the muscles can't stretch, and your breathing will be restricted. You want to be able to hold a posture for 5 - 8 breaths.
Remember the watch-words: BREATHE - RELAX - FEEL - WATCH & ALLOW in each posture. As my teacher, Yogi Amrit Desai would say, "We are not practicing conflict; we are practicing yoga!"

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